when it's comes to your baby, safety always comes first

⚠︎ Warning
Failure to follow the manufacturer's instructions can result in death or serious injury. Only use this carrier with children weighing between 8 and 35 pounds.
Suffocation & Fall Hazards
Keep Breathing Room Between You & Baby
Babies younger than 4 months can suffocate in this product if face is pressed tightly against your body. Babies at greatest risk of suffocation include those born prematurely and those with respiratory problems.
Keep Baby's Face Visible & Uncovered
Check often to make sure baby's face is uncovered, clearly visible, and away from caregiver's body at all times.
Reposition Baby After Feeding in Carrier
If you nurse your baby in the carrier, always reposition after feeding so baby's face is not pressed against your body.
Keep Baby's Chin Elevated
Make sure baby does not curl into a position with the chin resting on or near baby's chest. This position can interfere with breathing, even when nothing is covering the nose or mouth.
8 Pounds & Up
Never use this carrier with babies smaller than 8 pounds without seeking the advice of a healthcare professional.
Fall Hazard
Leaning, bending over, or tripping can cause baby to fall. Keep one hand on baby while moving.
Proper Placement for Baby
Please review the following information for proper placement for baby in your Momme Newborn Wrap.

Carrier should hold baby in the same position as you would hold in your arms.

Baby is high on wearer's chest, chin up, face visible, nose and mouth free.

Baby is high on wearer's chest, chin up, face visible, nose and mouth free.

Baby is too low, face is pressed into wearer's body with nose and mouth obstructed.

Baby is too low, face is pressed into wearer's body with nose and mouth obstructed.
Remember T.I.C.K.S
T ight - your wrap should be tight enough to keep your baby close & secured to you.
I n view at all times - you should always be able to see your baby’s face by glancing down.
C lose enough to kiss - by tipping your head down you should be able to kiss your baby on the head or forehead.
K eep chin off chest - ensure there is always at least a finger width under your baby’s chin. They shouldn’t be curled so their chin is forced to their chest.
S upported back - your baby’s back should be secure in its natural position, not in a slumped position.

Newborn Kangaroo Wrap
Designed to comfortably support new moms through the postpartum period with hands-free, baby bonding benefits.